Thursday, August 9, 2007

Scared to Life

I don't exercise for my own good. Don't get me wrong, I have never looked back on a day and regretted working out. But as I sit with a hot cup of coffee, wrapped in my fuzzy robe with a kid (or 4) snuggled up on me, the thought of dragging my butt to the gym or on a run, etc. generally holds little appeal. It's a cozy scene, I know. And it just gets cozier (read: fatter) the more workouts I skip. But this is unacceptable to me, so I know I need a solution. The question is: If I won't exercise for my own good, why will I? What motivates me, for real?
Well...anyone in marketing knows that if you want to get someone's attention, you show them what they stand to gain. But if you want them to DO something, show them what they stand to lose. Fear is a much greater motivator than hope. How sad. But 'tis what 'tis, and if I want action and results why make it harder than it has to be?

So...fears that I can capitalize on...hmmm...




I know--I'll pick up some extra classes at the gym! I actually talked to Willy's and I will be back in the Spinning saddle starting next week. And last week I started training to teach Pilates reformer classes. So I've got all the fears covered. Humiliation: You can't blow off a class you teach, plus if you look like a cow who's going to take you seriously? Poverty: Well, the annual income of a fitness instructor isn't going to pay the mortgage, but it will cover Power Bars and pedicures. Death: Really, it's aging I'm talking about, but I understand the ultimate fear. 40 is 18 months away for me. I want to hit it HOT.
People who use 'will power' are working way harder than they have to.

1 comment:

Keenan Family said...

great post, you are so correct, motivation is an interesting thing. How, what, when, why, getting motivated to do something that isn't fun, yet beneficial is the big difference between the haves and have nots, looks like you are on your way to the have's. Good luck sista, congats on movin' forward!

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